Strictly for my friends

Friday, September 29, 2006

Happy Pujas!

Happy Pujas everyone! It is the festive time of the year for all Bengalis. Four days of dressing up, eating out, meeting up with friends and family, romancing with that special someone and last but not the least pandal hopping to see which pandal is the most innovative and where the idol of Goddess Durga looks the most exquisite! Durga Puja is organised in every major city all over the world and wherever you are, you are you must catch up with some friends, preferably Bengali. I have never missed a single Puja in Kolkata in my twenty five years and I hope I dont even after this! Enjoy everyone!

If you want to know more about the festival click here. It's a site I found on the Net that is completely dedicated to Durga Puja.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

My Song

I Love this number!

Music Video Codes by

Sunday, September 17, 2006

6 weird things about me!!

Im finally completing the tag that's been more than a month due now. I was tagged by Astral. So here goes, six weird things about me. Read on and you'll know just how cranky I can be!

But first, the rules!

~ You must post a blog with six weird facts or habits about yourself.
~ These cannot be used against you later on.
~ At the bottom name the six people you will tag next.
~ Leave them a comment to let them know they've been tagged and to read your blog. here goes!

1. I just cant go to sleep if there is the slightest sound of paper or plastic in the room. I can sleep in a rattling train, or a crowded bus, but keep a book in the room that has leaves flapping or a plastic packet that is rustling...and my sleep goes for a toss! So before I sleep, I ensure that there all the books and plastic packets in the room are kept with something heavy on top of them to stop any kind of movement.

2. I hate anyone touching my study table or my cupboard. Those are MY domains and anyone trying any funny business there pisses me off! I wont deny they are both incredibly messy and my Mom just finds it impossible to keep away from anything thats disorganised in any way. But there is no way she even makes the mistake of coming near any of those two messes. All Hell will break lose and she knows that by now. I do clean them once in a blue moon, but just about!! :)

3. I cant sleep without my dog lying half on top of me. He's a big Doberman..and he's heavy! But that's just the way it is! He cant sleep without lying on me and I cant sleep without his wet nose on my neck!

4. I need to be properly turned out all the time. Jewellery in place, clothes, shoes and bag peoperly co-ordinated. Some of my friends think that's so weird that I'm decently dressed all the time...though I just never could get what's wrong with that one!

5. Even if I am completely full...say, I've had an enormous lunch or dinner with lots of different dishes and I dont have even an inch of place left in my stomach, I can still miraculously make place in my tummy for desserts. I go to a restaurant and the first selection I look at is the desserts section. I have an incurable sweet tooth! And Im so happy about that! I've hardly ever left a restaurant without having some or the other dessert on offer.

6. Okay, get me into a shop...any shop and ask me to choose. It may be a clothes store, a grocery mart, just about selling anything. I WILL choose the item that is most expensive in the store. I need not look at the prices or even have more than a cursory glance at the item and I pick out the one with the highest price tag. Its an uncanny knack I've had since I was a kid, but that's just the way it has been!

Now its my turn to tag six people. I tag Jac, Shakhi, Maya, Velu, Ekta and Sreejith. So buck up guys...its your turn now.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

After a long break

I'm back after a looong hiatus! Took me some time to get adjusted to all the changes that were happening in my life!

The major change that I'm talking about is the sudden new turn my career took. I got a call from a MNC one fine day while I was at work and they offered me a job that was a dream come true!

I was stunned! I had never put my CV out and I was still relatively new to the job that I was in. In other words, I had no intentions to leave!!!

But as fate would have it...I was made an offer that I could not refuse. The profile was way better and so was the pay. The only glitch was that they had work sceduled in shifts and I was not comfortable with night shifts.

They even offered to compromise and gave me the work in day!! I just could not refuse after that! I was sent the offer letter in a day's time and asked to join the next! And I did.

Been on training for the last couple of weeks and had no access to the Net. Too tired to log on from home.

Due to the confidential nature of my work, I shall not have access to Blogger, Orkut, even mail from now on. So its weekends for me.

Looking forward to posting next week again! Till then , see you guys around!

Will definitely complete the tag next week, Astral!